if gamble is coded as 864321 and play is coded as 7625, how will lamb be coded?

if gamble is coded as 864321 and play is coded as 7625, how will lamb be coded?

Unlock the Code: Can You Crack the Lamb Enigma? Think youre a codecracking master? Put your skills to the test with this intriguing puzzle! We know that gamble is coded as 864321 and play is coded as 7625. But what about lamb? Can you decipher the pattern and determine its code? Heres a hint: The code isnt based on alphabetical order. Theres a clever logic at play!Ready to take on the challenge? Share your answer in the comments below! Dont forget to share this puzzle with your friends and see if they can crack the code too!

if gamble is coded as 864321 and play is coded as 7625, how will lamb be coded?